What We Do

  • Create and optimize social media pages that combine the best of Myspace and Facebook with the polished illusion of a custom website (see example)
  • Allow you to update all of your social media within hours, just by leaving us a voicemail or sending an email -- no hassle of endless phone tag
  • Use applications exclusive to Monarch to increase your friends/fans on Myspace and Facebook and drive customers directly to you
  • Priority placement in and unique usage of various “specialty” networks that we run exclusively. (Red River District, West Sixth District, SoCo, etc etc)
  • Comb the web for ALL online activity regarding your business and send you a report detailing your activity. Customer reviews, blogs, news reports...
  • AND...
  • Provide information on monthly usage, new users, reviews and trends. So you can see how effective this really is.

Why us?

  • Cheaper than doing it in-house.
  • Takes minutes of your time vs hours doing it yourself or managing an employee
  • We're professional, easy to use, and consistent
  • No contract, so you can cancel at any time
  • We have exclusive applications and reporting tools that can't be found elsewhere

How does it work?

1. You have an event or special
2. Call us and leave a voicemail with information (or text or email)
3. We update all of your sites within hours
4. Customers see specials and come in
5. We send reports daily/weekly/monthly (you choose) to all the people you designate to receive them.

Check out one of our clients!
Here you can see a sample of a custom Facebook landing page.
Contact Information
Email. smm@monarch17.com Call. (512) 395-4498 Website. www.monarch17.com